BANNER - Bellevue 2008
The Journal of Dr. Richard L. Sleight
August 2011

Ready, Set . . .

A final farewell party was hosted at Susan's house for Annie and Thomas.  Bob and Kim Disher and Tom's Best Man Spencer drove up from Dallas, OR.  Mrs. Grambush (right) from BCS was there, as were other friends and family. 

Tennis evolved into badminton for the younger set. 

Annie's FBI background check finally arrived and was sent off to Laurie in Maryland so she could obtain the needed State Department apostille in Washington, DC.

Annie left for South Korea without her E2 (teaching) visa, although Tom had his.  She'll need to hop over to Japan to pick it up.  At least, finally, she has all her required paperwork.

Tom wore his tux one more time when he took Annie out to see Les Misérables at the 5th Avenue Theatre.


Our Pew at UPC

We filled up our balcony pew when the contingent from Dallas, OR joined us.  Susan, Ginger, Bob, Kim, Kristen, Spencer, Thomas, Annie, Jeannie Beth, Nathanael, Nancy and Georgia.  Normally, Georgia sits behind me in the back row.

Thirty years ago Nancy and I listened on the radio in our hotel room to the Sunday sermon after our wedding.  The preacher was Steve Hayner who had done our service.  Similarly, on this Sunday after their honeymoon, Pastor Dave Roher preached. He had officiated ay Thomas and Annie's wedding.  Such providential occurrences are more likely in the summer when Senior Pastors are away on study leave.

. . . Go!

On Monday, August 15th, Nancy, Nathanael, and I took Annie and Thomas to the airport.  Lines were long which prolonged the "parting is such sweet sorrow" moment — especially for Nancy.

Apparently, everything got through security and customs.  Their orientation at Big Heart Christian School started on the 17th. See them on the faculty page! They moved temporarily into a small apartment, but at the end of the month moved to a huge apartment.  Annie and Tom continue the tale of their South Korean adventure on their respective blog sites.


"Mrs. Disher":

Thomas: especially his "Ramblings"

They have lots to say about their classes (Annie's have between 3 and 10 students), and about their new lives in South Korea.  Just learning how to run the washer and learning the Korean for "Hot" and "Cold" was an adventure.

I'm coming around to seeing their move to Korea as a positive step along God's path.  Unlike myself, they are willing to take risks, to be stretched, and to continue to grow.  In my career path, I have always taken the first job offered, which seemed to be the easiest and least challenging path. Of course, I continued to make myself a more valuable employee with advanced degrees and more recently, continued technology training.  Perhaps doing what comes easily is also a sign that one is doing the right things. 


The Clutter Challenge

Nancy and I have a new goal — getting the house ready for Annie and Thomas' return.  It's a Herculean task now that our house is the sorting center for a century of accumulated memorabilia (and junk) from my parents (and their parents!)

Nancy asked that I remove these two pictures of our living room and dining room.  But I prefer to picture them as the "Before" images in a delightful Before and After series.  We can hardly function in the house as it is, with even more boxes to move from West Seattle.  But we have high hopes, if not high energy, for the cleaning and continued construction tasks ahead.

BCS Sports

One might think I would move on from being a high school sports photographer now that Jeannie Beth is packing for SPU.  But these are my friends.  And I have few enough of them.

This shot was taken by one of my friends, Coach Ed Sloan.  I plan to photograph the BCS and SPU Cross Country teams again this fall.  (And on September 3rd I successfully shot my first football game.  One of my photos is already going into the 9/10/11 Bellevue Reporter newspaper.)  I got this reply . . .

For your first time shooting football, you handled yourself like a true pro! The shots are awesome and anytime you would like to send some over I'll be more than happy to use them.


Thanks again Doc, looking forward to seeing you out a few more times this season!


Josh Suman

Sports Reporter

Bellevue Reporter newspaper




Jeannie Beth Stars in Pirates of Penzance

At 18, Jeannie Beth is officially too old for Taproot Theatre's summer performances. (But that did not stop Nathanael when he was even older.)  Yet Pirates of Penzance is her favorite musical (unless Les Mis is now).  She got her choice of parts and, appropriately, played the 47 year-old Ruth, nursery maid turned piratical maid-of-all-work.

Jeannie Beth got to showcase her singing, acting, and dancing.   She even got to reprise the Paradox song and dance at a gala fundraiser show on the 28th.  Get a taste at



Annie and Thomas Disher: The Wedding Photos

The wedding photos arrived and I was very pleased, 1) that they were as good as they were, and 2) that I didn't have to take them.  That was a lot of work.  I've done one wedding and that's enough.

Find the full set of 500+ at

We have the color versions of those that went online as black and white photos, like the one of me walking Annie down the aisle.  That's the bride's bouquet that I had to drive back to Bellevue to retrieve.  Nancy did a magnificent job with all the flowers.   And I have to admit, the tie she picked out from my "China collection" matched her and the bridesmaids very well. 

Nathanael caught the garter and bridesmaid Cassandra ("Sandra") Vlahos caught the bouquet.  It was a hectic, memorable day, alas, too hectic to soak in the "moment."  I think college before weddings helps parents cut the apron strings. I don't miss Annie like maybe I should, but the bond I felt when she was an infant is still very much there.

The Garden Grows

Nancy would spend much more time in the garden if she ever got a free moment.  The lilies I bought for her this spring came up a few weeks after the previous batch planted just west of these.  I guess I need to remember not to rototill this section of the garden where we used to plant tomatoes.

My top priority has been the house while Nancy's has been the yard.  So neither has gotten the needed attention.  But we've been busy.


Nancy at 56

Nancy is going strong.  This past weekend she spent three hours snaking out the kitchen drain in West Seattle.  I puttered and wished I could nap. 

JB baked the cake.  I got Nancy video tape for her camera and Ruth Bell Graham's book Legacy of a Pack Rat that Nancy had asked for.  As a pack rat, Nancy is in good company.

Susan wanted to fly with Nancy to Korea in April and offered that as a birthday present.  But Nancy, like myself, is not one to seek foreign adventures, even all-expense paid ones. I think Susan understands.  And it's the thought that counts anyway.  We have a house full of inherited stuff to cull.  We don't need more right now.


Bits and Pieces

  Next Month:  I get a skylight of sorts in my office.  Wahooo!

      My annual review went well once again.  Jeff Van Duzer agrees that I should work on preparing a new senior elective in Advanced Business Applications (or some similar title.)  We teach the students about business but send them out without a full set of computer competencies needed in the workplace.  I believe I can remedy that.

      Interesting statistics:  In a recent report I prepared for the SBE fall retreat, I saw that I taught 58 class sections between Autumn 2000 and Spring 2007.  The average grade I awarded was 3.05.  Over that time I taught 1221 students.  I would have taught that many students in a single year at the University of Washington (1978-1989).


50" in the Family Room

The TV has gotten some use, but 99% with DVDs.  I hooked up the antena and, since it's a new TV, I didn't need the analog to digital converter box.  We get many very clear channels now but have no time, and little inclination, to watch them.  About the only thing we watched this summer over the airwaves was the Blue Angels and a few hydroplane races. But we watched a ton of Stargate SG-1 episodes on DVD.

Of course, the plasma TV will last ever so much longer if we don't play it!  One wonders if we'll ever watch the other two olders sets in the house.


 My quote from July


John Stott died Wednesday, July 27th at 3:15 p.m. London time at age 90.


"The evangelical world has lost one of its greatest spokesmen,
and I have lost one of my close personal friends and advisors.
I look forward to seeing him again when I go to Heaven."

                                                  -- Billy Graham


Every joy or trial falleth from above,

Traced upon our dial by the Sun of Love;

We may trust Him fully all for us to do.

They who trust Him wholly find Him wholly true.

                                                Like a River Glorious, v.3 (1876)






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